Saturday, April 30, 2011

Girls Car

Ask you average male driver and he will probably tell you he is a better, safer driver than his wife/girlfriend/mother/sister. Problem is, the car insurance industry does not agree and Girls's car insurance is often cheaper than men's because the car insurers feel that it is Girls who are in fact, on the whole, the better drivers.

No not all Girls all great drivers and not all men are reckless speed demons but the car insurance companies cannot send out a rep to sit in the passenger seat and access the driving skills of every individual they sell a car insurance policy to in order to set their premium rate. There are also more Girls drivers on the road whose driving record is blemish free than there are men.

So yes, Girls's auto insurance premiums are likely to be a little lower than men's but there are things the guys can do to close the gender gap and score an inexpensive insurance policy as well. Spending an afternoon taking a defensive driving course will score them big points with all the insurance companies (as well as get them a nice piece of paper that states they are indeed safe drivers, even if they are not female.)


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